Our parish mission is:
We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is:
"Our Lady of the Angels is a worshipping community dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of the whole parish family. With guidance from the Holy Spirit we extend our Christian love to the community we serve. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord with all our hearts and we welcome all to join us on our journey in following Him."
6442 Pelham Road, Taylor, MI
South of I-94, North of Ecorse Road
Calling Post
Keeps you informed of upcoming events, schedule changes and more. Messages come from the office. Text "ANGELS" TO 24251
Upcoming Events
Men's Prayer Group
Ever Monday at 7pm
St. Ann Meeting room
Women of Prayer
2nd & 4th Friday monthly @ 9:30
St. Ann Meeting Room
-see calendar under Parish Life tab for complete list
Memorial Mass:
Saturday: 3:00pm
(or contact office at 313-381-3000 to schedule with Father D)
Saturday: 4:00pm
Sunday: 9:30am and 11:30am
Daily Mass:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 8:45am
If the Taylor Schools are closed due to weather, our weekday Mass is cancelled. Any Mass Intentions will be said at the following Mass. The Office will remain open.
The Presentation of the Lord
This weekend we celebrate The Purificaion of the Blessed Virgin Mary or as we call it in our times, "The Presentation of the Lord". Also, we are only one week away from Windfall, Superbowl event. I hope you have purchased your tickets already. If you did not, I encourage you to do so. It is one of the major fundraisers for our parish. There are always two big winners in this "game". The winner of Windfall, and the parish. Once again, thank you for supporting the parish with your contributions.
I would like to clarify one thing that I was not aware of that Larry Roberts was in charge of making food and sndwiches for ChristNet. John, Stella, and other team members helped Larry to provide the help he needed. Once again, thank you very much.
The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary or as we call it in our times, "The Presentation of the Lord" is celebrated on February 2nd. This feast celebrates the ceremony of purification of Our Lady on the fortieth day after the birth of our Lord, and of the presentation of offering of our Lord to the Eternal Father in the Temple, as also prescribed in the Law of Moses for first-born male childrn. The ceremonies of this celebration in our church tradition consist of four parts, the blessing of candles, their distribution, the procession with lighted candles, and the Mass which follows. At the beginning of the Mass we are going to have the blessing of candles which can be taken home after Mass. The suggested offering for each candle is $3.00. The whole ceremony that procedes the Mass, and especially the lighted candles, refers to our Lord as the Light of the world according to the words of holy Simeon, who on the day of the Presentation took the divine infant in his arms and said of Him: "A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel."
The feast of the Purification is one of the oldest feasts of the Virgin. At Rome in the seventh century, it ranked after the Assumption. It is the last one in the Cycle that shows any connection with Christmas: Mary, wishing to obey the Mosaic Law, had to go to Jerusalem forty cays after the birth of Jesus (December 25-February 2) to offer the prescribed sacrifice. Mothers were to offer a lamb, or if their means did not allow, "two doves or two young pigeons."
As we find in the Gospel. The Blessed Virgin took the Infant Jesus with her to Jerusalem. The Candlemas procession recalls the journey of Mary and Joseph going up to the temple to present "The Angel of the Covenant" as Malachy had prophesied, or "the light to the revelation of the Gentiles" (Gospel) to God.
"The wax of the candles signifies the virginal flesh of the Divine Infant," says St. Anselm, "the wick figures His soul and the flame His divinity."
The Purification to which the mother of the Savior was not obliged to conform, as her motherhood was beyond ordinary laws, is now placed in the foreground by the liturgy and the Presejntation of Jesus. This is the principle object of this feast.
May God bless all of us,
Fr. Dariusz
Is the weather looking bad and want to be notified if Mass is cancelled?
Would you like to be reminded of upcoming or changes of events?
We are now offering a group messaging opportunities call Calling Post.
To register to be connected to this notification system, text 'Angels' to 24251.
To register your child go to: https://cabriniparish.org/religious-education.
Trippin' with Father Dariusz:
Magical Rhine and Moselle Rivers
September 21-29, 2025
Ride along on a river cruise with Fr. Dariusz as he travels the Rhine and Moselle Rivers from
Zurich Switzerland through France, Germany ending in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Highlights include the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Lorelei Passage, Heidelberg's Renaissance building and castle ramparts, wine tasing in Bernkastle, Cologne and on-board entertainment each night.
The Ship Name is MS Amadeus Brilliant
Spotlight on the French Riviera
April 30-May 8, 2026
Our Lady of the Angels and Fr. Dariusz present Spotlight on the French Riviera with Optional
3-Night Parish Post Tour Extension.
Please check the link below.
Please call us if you have any questions at 313.381.300 May God bless all of us.
Fr. Dariusz
Monday - Tuesday &
Thursday - Friday
[Closed Wednesdays]
9:00AM - 3:00PM
Phone: (313) 381-3000
Fax: (313) 381-5528